The Cultural and Creative Industries are experiencing significant growth at the European level. In recent years, this sector has undergone a transformation and a revolution following the crisis of 2019.
Our project, ER-CCI Escape Room for the Cultural and Creative Industries, applies the methodology of Escape Rooms to create training sessions that aim to support the development of various skills, particularly entrepreneurial skills, for youth workers in the sector. If you are interested in learning more or are curious to discover additional information, you can access the free guide for educators and trainers. This guide contains all the necessary resources to create and implement the educational Escape Rooms proposed in the project (you can download the resources for free here: Additionally, soon you will be able to view the project results and access the Escape Room activities designed by each partner. These activities will be available in English, Italian, Spanish, French, and Polish.
While we don’t want to spoil the surprises within the Escape Rooms, we do want to provide a sneak peek of what you can expect. Our partner the Eufemia Association has been actively involved in developing and implementing innovative educational tools and activities locally and internationally that align with the 2030 Agenda. The 2030 Agenda, established by the United Nations, serves as a global action plan for a sustainable and inclusive future for all. It consists of 17 goals known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which cover various themes such as combating inequality, promoting quality health and education, addressing climate change, and fostering peace and justice.
Why are we discussing them in this article? It’s because one of the Escape Rooms we have proposed falls within this framework. We are referring to the game “World Changers – Design Tools,” designed to support the work of youth workers in the cultural sector. This activity helps players identify the fundamental elements for evaluating design impact. We selected this topic because impact assessment is becoming increasingly crucial in project design, particularly at the European level. While project teams typically concentrate on achieving tangible results through project activities, these activities should be viewed as a means to an end. The ultimate goal of a project should be generating measurable benefits for the community. Without revealing too much, we can tell you that in the realm of design, different types of results are identified concerning initial inputs and resources: output, outcome, and impact.
If we have sparked your curiosity, stay tuned for future updates, and don’t miss any of the nine Escape Rooms created as part of the ER CCI project.